Quote Originally Posted by Cosette123 View Post
I began to take SSRIs for OCD when I was young(25) but I had no problem to stop after several months.No problem at all. I trusted the doctors and I was not informed of the danger of these poisons. Many years later I had a big traumatism in my life and I was put on Prozac without major problem. I stopped after a few months but my OCD problems appeared again and I was put on Deroxat(Paxil) 20 mg.And it was the beginning of Hell. I tried 3 or 4 times to quit unsuccessfully.I gained weight and I could not accept that.I quit Cold turkey in may 2008.This was a huge mistake but I was not informed of the dangers.The first weeks were very hard but I naively believed I shall be drug-free after a few weeks...Months passed with a lot of problems(Access of anger and rage, vertigo, dizziness...) but the worse came later.The second year was terrible with severe depression and total lack of self-esteem,suicide ideas , high level of anxiety, severe agoraphobia (I could not go outside ,even in my own garden), panic attacks...
The third year was different and more bearable but I began to have physical symptoms(Ataxia, pseudo-Parkinson,muscular weakness:I cannot hold a cup of coffee in my left hand...).
The fourth year brought me real psychical improvements but I am still suffering from physical problems which will probably be the last ones to go away.
Cosette, so nice to meet someone from France! It never ceases to amaze me the people on this poison from all over the world. By the way, I am not being sarcastic - my script comes with the words "issued under clasue 37 of the poisons act"!

You were very young, and that makes me sad and mad! It was bad enough for me being 40 but it still takes away a huge chunk of your life.

It is tragic that we were told lies and not informed, but worse that Drs. seem to reject the truth and listen to the lies they are fed. My latest/newest Dr. told me people don't have this trouble getting off (that I am having) and quite over a 2 month period. So I asked her directly "how many of these people do you know personally?" and she replied "well, none, really.."

I admire you for persevering, as I CT and lasted only 6mos and severe depression led me to previous Dr. who said I should stay on it for life and was not interested in helping me get off. That's why I have another "new" Dr. Keep persevering, you have your youth on your side and I should think you will recover much quicker than an older person (as I am now neary 60).

By the way, what is OCD?