Thank for your message, Amani. I did ok with my Zoloft taper until I would hit around 40 mg or less. This would go badly whenever I experienced something very stressful - my body would go into major panic mode. I usually could updose and that would help but this last time updosing didn't seem to do anything (hence my switch to Celexa). With my last prior attempt to taper Zoloft taper, I made 5% cuts below 50 mg and would hold for at least 4 weeks, sometimes longer. You describe well my fear - that with already having bad symptoms that I will only make it worse by reducing. But my hope is that with tiny cuts this will be minimized.

Thank you very much for your encouragement and support - it really helps! I think your plan is a good one for when you are ready to taper to go slowly with long waits in between.

I hope you too feel better soon, Amani.


i really hope that you will feel better soon and that you find some hope that things will get better....[/QUOTE]