Thank you Luc, Shelia, Redroo, Stan & Barbara. I do appreciate your kindness and support. So today is the day after treatment #2 and I feel "ok"... usually I get sick at day 3 and stay sick for almost a full two weeks... then week 3 I start gradually feeling better but then have to go in for more treatment. I still have to go every Friday however where they put another drug to fight the cancer in my port unfortunately. My liver was showing some signs of stress/toxicity so we are watching that and my dose was infact "slightly" (900 mgs to 830 mgs) reduced yesterday (not the full 25% we were discussing but hey its a start) .... and we have added a new routine where I go to the cancer center at day 3 where I get fluids, then on Monday I will go for a shot that is supposed to help boost my blood count and get more fluids. So for right now, my dose was not reduced 25% unfortunately, b/c the doctor wanted to add a shot called Neulasta to help with the neutropenia. If that doesn't work we may have to reduce.

So on a positive note, today (day 2 from chemo) I am well enough to take my son and a couple of his friends out for his birthday celebration . I am so happy that we can do this, because I want him to know that no matter how sick I am or how bad I feel HE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME and I love and care about him so much... just want him to have a good life.