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Thread: Can't Hold On Anymore Please Someone Help Me

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    NH the weed cookie is irrelevant, it would have been like taking a suppliment compared to the drugs we have bee given and loads of recovered people actually smoked weed through their w/d Loss Leader and VelveteenGreen,

    Put that worry away, having that weed cookie was no more harmful than someone having a glass of wine during w/d, not ideal but not the end of the world/

    How long have you been off now?
    Put on citalopram July 2009 during a physical illness - didnt need it. 40mg
    went down to 20mg July 2010 CT in Jan 2012 - 2.5 years on.
    Tried to restart July 2012 due to 1 panic attack (never had one before - start of CT W/D) - adverse reaction
    Down to 1.5mg from the failed RI
    Now at 0.48 and trying to stabalize - been 6 weeks
    now have SEVERE anxiety, akathsia, feel like Im on acid 24/7 depression, D/P, signed off work. Scared of everything..please God let me heal from this

  2. #12
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Don't worry about that cookie, Needinghelp. It did nothing wrong. The DP/DR you are feeling is simply WD. Hang in there just a bit more. And, remember, the +4 years you spent on the drugs is still *not* that long. You will start eventually improving. *Everybody* does. You will heal from it.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Junior's Avatar
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    Needing Help, of course we are here to help you, but you must also help yourself. We are not there beside you, and we are not in your body. We are simply people posting on an online forum. The first thing you need to do is to try to change your thinking patterns. At the moment it looks like your thoughts are controlling you. This does not need to be the case. YOU can control them - to some degree anyway. W/d does make it hard but you have it in you.

    Ok - so you had some weed. SIX MONTHS AGO. What is the likelihood that it is still in your system now? Sure, you feel stupid for not knowing you had it, and wonder what it has done to you. But having it just ONCE is unlikely to affect you in the long term.

    DR - live with it the rest of your life? What makes you think that will happen?

    This is the type of thinking I am talking about. You need to think about these issues more carefully. Challenge yourself. What is the evidence that what you fear will actually happen?

    I would also challenge you to consider this: Are these the issues that are really worrying you, or is it the anxiety itself? If it is the anxiety, adding MORE anxiety is only going to make it worse.
    Aropax (Paxil). Currently at 13mg and holding.
    Added Endep (amitrypline) 12.5 for sleep - 11 July 2013

    "There are things that are known and things that are unknown; in between are doors." - Anonymous

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iggy131313 View Post
    and loads of recovered people actually smoked weed through their w/d Loss Leader and VelveteenGreen,
    Wow, Iggy good job on finding more recovered people. Are these two people FULLY recovered? I would be interested in reading their stories if you still know where they are located. Are they on PP?

  5. #15
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    Needing, i read some people begin derealization with weed cookies, one day , suddenly after taking since many years;
    i have it, live like in a dream or behind a window or disconnected from environment, but some days are better, some worse; do not add a med, adverse reaction can happen; when we forget DR, we feel better, let time heal you as i wait also;
    i read too some people have it during years, it is a fact; but we do not belong to them, they often have this without haven't taken meds, and meds (antipsychotics) do not help them
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
    It's the result of the drugs, Needinghelp. In WD, our minds will obsessively gravitate towards the worst thoughts and scenarios. But it's *not* real you. It may feel like hell, for hell it is to be under such a barrage of symptoms, but it won't last forever. The very fact that your symptoms are changing, morphing from one into another, is the proof that your body, your CNS are working very hard on re-aligning themselves. Your brain is figuring out ways of fixing itself, and it's been in such self-fixing process since you have been in WD. It is very very likely this moment now is the worst one and it will, step by step, start improving.
    Luc, you said it wont last forever. It feels like it will. I think thats the worst of it all. I see people recover, even the worst case cenarios, but still i dont believe i will feel any better than now. I feel like how can this get better? I have so much fear, I have never feared anything so much in my entire life and it is going on for 6 months now. Its so bad I just want to dissapear. Does every single person on this planet recover? Have you seen people with DR for 8 years then it goes away or will they have it life long?

  7. #17
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    Thank you Mike. I appreciate your help so much. Yes, I will start with my CBT Book as soon as possible. Although Im not too sure what CBT is, but everyone says it can help so I will try it.

    You are right, I have seen some small improvements, but not with the DR its worse I feel like im not here anymore. I feel like im gone...
    Turning 24 on the 25th of this month. I havent seen young people in withdrawal for a long time though so I am hopeful
    Yes, I took the drug for 4 years, but had an adverse reaction to a different one. That makes me worryThanks you so much Mike. Your support means more than anything to me. Thank you all for believing in me :-)

  8. #18
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    10 Years is a long time Iggy. If it takes 10 years it might as well be permanent, I just started my life now it feels like my life is over forever.

    Whats an HRT Patch? Remember, she went on other meds on and off before Paxil and think thats the reason aswell.

    It felt like an adverse reaction, I had the same head dymptoms as Charlie G described and still have them to this day. Do you perhaps know if he suffered from DR aswell?

    Frankdee is drinking, so maybe thats why, but for me he isnt doing too bad, only has a few symptoms left at 5 years which is common id say... But he still has DR that made me cringe

    Elisa I know was poly-drugged and ECT'd for years...

    Zappelina I think only has pysical symptoms left and trust me even though it must be bad, i would swop her anyday for the mental ones. She had the mental ones too and healed from it atleast...

    Apparently Leo has gone back to meds. Dont know why though... To tell you the truth his posts scare the hell out of me and dont read them at all. I did read he went back on prozac and doing very poorly still. What is MH?

    Thank you so much for your support Iggy. You are always very postitive and have faith I will heal. Thanks so much for believing in me. I appreciate it!!

    I am off 101 days today. I count it in days now lol! Its been 191 days since ive been in hell, since ive stopped paxil completely. I want my life back. I cant handle any stress, i got a panic attack last night because someone was shouting at me. I started to cry so badly i cried for 5 hours straight and now I feel like death... How long can a person suffer like this i feel like God has forsaken me. I am a Christian btw.

    My symptoms:

    Dizziness - Sometimes much better
    DR/DP - Extremely Severe
    Brainfog - Same
    Anxiety - 80% Improved
    Heart Palps - Only When I eat
    Head pressure - Better at times
    Head sensations - Better at times
    Memory - Non-existant
    Confusion - Same
    Tinittus - Same but not bothersome
    Sleep - I sleep 8 hours a night
    Fatigue - Much worse
    Vibrations - Worse
    Jumpy eyes - Same
    Vision - Worse
    Depression - Only when im on my period
    Crying - Same as above
    Stress tolerance - 0
    Drugged up feeling - Much worse cant follow conversations just zoned out 24/7
    Apathy - Same
    Anhedonia - Same

  9. #19
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    Thanks guys... Yes its been 6 months since the cookie and I mean I havent seen anyone in DR forever from a weed cookie or withdrawal... So im hopeful that it will fade atleast.

    Junior, my anxiety is very minimal, i sometimes dont have it at all. If I have no anxiety, why is my DR worse it makes no sense.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Wow this site is so awesome. I love the support I get and just want to say thanks to everyone for always helping and reassuring me while im in the debts of hell.
    This site is so special and I am so glad to be apart of it!

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