Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
Folks, as much as they say there's no "miraculous" diet, I have no doubt whatsoeverer that once you limit your carbs intake, your weight will go down (slowly, but surely). I can give you 100% guarantee to it. It may sound unbelievable, but when I was still on SSRIs (5-6 years ago), I reached the weight of 200 pounds. Considering that I'm not a tall person, I was terribly overweight. What I did was to cut down on sweets, potatoes, pastas, bread, dumplings, etc. In 6-8 months I lost 55 pounds, was never hungry, and my lab work/blood tests, and what not has improved tremendously. And I lost it all while STILL being on SSRIs. If I add to it that I didn't do much exercise then too, you probably won't believe me. Yet, I have nothing to financially gain from telling you about it - I'm not peddling any supplements, I don't seek the Dietary Nobel Prize in , etc. :)
200 pounds=90 kg
i weight 86 kg
meals without potatoes, pastas, bread, seem difficult to eat for me; asia eats rice, other manioc; is it good to leave out the basis of world meal? to be thin?
i understand you are sensitive to food and cannot eat or bad, is it well for body?