I slept better last night (my usual 6 hours). Back from my morning walk and feeling a bit better than yesterday. I need to make a point of posting on better days and not just the bad. Some symptoms I'd like to mention, not new but they were excelerated yesterday. My head feels like it's too full, like an overfilled balloon that could explode. Not pain exactly, but a very uncomfortable pressure, and a tenseness of my jaw and facial muscles that nothing can relax. Also extreme dryness, in my mouth, eyes and skin. No matter how much water I drink it doesn't help.

I've cut back to 1000mg omega 3's today just in case. Also luc and sheila, I just cut up enough valium for the next two weeks staying at my present dose, about 2.5 mg (1/4 pill before bed and 1/4 pill in the AM) My cuts are not exact but with the long half life one pill every two days should even out.

Thank you all for being there.