Quote Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
Very interesting, Junior. She sounds like a great writing coach. And it sounds like a productive relationship. It sound like your writing is just getting better and better and better. Very professional. Gripping blurb!

I’m very impressed and proud of you. This has been a big, long project, and you stuck with it, making it very high caliber. I admire people who do that!
You really like my blurb? Thanks. *blushes* You saw it before my editor did!!

It has been a long, hard haul. Three months ago I threw my hands up in despair and told my editor I couldn't do it anymore. I was worn out. That was after my first attempt at Ch 12 failed miserably. But my editor suggested I take a break and try again which I did, and produced - well, probably the best thing I've ever written.

I'm really hoping that if my editor thinks it's good enough - and she would know - that my agent really will be able to find me a publisher. I guess only time will tell.