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Thread: Letter to GSK Netherlands

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  1. #27
    Dutch Café Moderator Claudius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for your word Luc! And though I did not really expect sonething else from this criminal company, of course at the same time you always hope that the person reading and handling the compaint will realize that something ie really wrong with these pills and the way GSK has handled it. The letter was signed from the medical director of GSK Netherlands so this is the proof that nothing has changed for the better at them.

    The most disgusting part of the answer of GSK that they absolutely refuse to answer my legitime questions and totally refuse to admit any guilt or offer any help, despite the gigantic malversations regarding Paxil/Seroxat which made it to the media last decade.

    And even more disgusting is the way he dismissed my "anger".
    Which person would not feel anger by realizing being used as a guinea pig by a multinational who push a horrific drug by branding is as "medicine", paying for that with years of my life, and almost with my life itself?

    I will not write them again, but use this letter in further publications (I am still in touch with a journalist although the article I wrote for her did not make it to the newspapers) and also post the original Dutch reaction of GSK on the upcoming Dutch cafe section, as a proof for all the Dutch readers.

    Ps Technically speaking, they said in this letter thay sever any contact with you?
    Yes that is what they did! Because of not allowing me access to my medical record... This company is really rotten to the core.
    Last edited by Claudius; 05-17-2013 at 12:31 PM.
    Recovering from the ravages of withdrawal after 5 years on Paxil/Seroxat, originally prescribed for stress and, looking backward, PTSS.
    Though it is hardly possible to get something positive from the utter hell of repeated c/t's and protracted w/d, all of this unnecessary, I still believe in the possiblity to emerge from this as a healed, wiser human being.
    All we need is just a little patience - Guns N' Roses

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