I noticed some posts about dreams in various threads here. Maybe we could keep track of our dream progress here.
I recently had two very helpful dreams. I've been interested in dreams for a long time. I have lots of dreams but usually don't remember much. I wake up knowing I had dreams but can't often remember them. Does anyone have any techniques for remembering dreams upon waking?
My recent experience of 2 dreams I remembered was like I discovered the key to my dream "logic." I saw how the peculiar sequence of dreams follows a definite pattern like a code with a key. It was like an arithmetic problem-- adding and subtracting. I saw how dreams are the bridge between conscious and unconscious. The seeming illogical scene shifts and lack of narrative coherence in dreams is the unconscious mind keeping some material in a coded format until the conscious mind is ready to integrate it. The cool thing was I cracked a piece of the code.