I am now down to 50mg of Trazodone from 200mg in one month. 120mg of Cymbalta to be dealt with down the road.
My psych tried to up me to 400mg of Trazodone 2 months ago and I refused but not to her face. She thinks I am on it! Sleep is out of whack but at least my mind is becoming more clear. I cancelled my last appointment with her but have to go in the New Year in order to keep tackling the taper. I am also afraid of being "formed" by her. She has done that when I am not compliant and I have been hospitalized against my will. Has anyone had that happen to them? The most degrading of experiences.
(couldn't resist that one)
I notice that the best time of day is the morning until 3pm. I take Traz and Cymbalta at bedtime so I am thinking that the drug is still in my system and then craves the meds by mid-afternoon. In the past I have just resorted to taking them again b/c the W/D is so bloody awful. Now I that I'm riding it out and seeing some benefit, I am not looking back. Period. Right now I am so agitated I can't lie down, even with a headache. I can't go out for a short walk b/c it is freezing cold here.The nausea is not too bad right now but I have motion sickness tablets that help with it. I'd like to do it more naturally but how?
Sheila, do you still have nausea? What has worked for you?