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Thread: Omega-3

  1. #21
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    in France, actually, a few renowned specialists say and write that cholesterol hdl and ldl , statines, prescribing betablocker is the same scandal as psychotropics, big pharma having pushed the levels so close to healthy people level that doctors today prescribe statines, betablockers to healthy people
    they say there exist no bad cholesterol, people need cholesterol for healthy cells, there is no proof that cholesterol blocks artery(when you put cholesterol in an artery, it blocks nothing, it is flowing); the level of hypertension was always put more closer to healthy people, and today when you have 12,5 you need to be prescribed as pre-hypertension; same pre-diabete; they say big pharma is medicating healthy people to make more benefit; they say the same about psychotropics which healthy people are prescribed (as i was) for life; big pharma is interested in life treatening pills: pre-diabete, pre-hypertension, pre-borderline etc; so the half planet has to be medicated for life(as the DSM shows); they say only a few people have to be prescribed, those who have really risks;
    they say there is no proof(only big pharma proof as in psychotropics as Healy David explains)all is for money making
    i personally, after reading several testimonies, am convinced that the joke we have discovered in psychotropics as victims, is the same in many pills, vaccines, and even in some surgery;
    recently there are several scandals which have prooved that big france pharma hide bad datas to sell pills and doctors hide deaths from their pills, such as champix, agreal, mediator and other names i forget;
    in France there was nothing since years, but when people awake, they will awake, trials are beginning only, and all controls of french meds are made by big pharma because government has no independent specialists(no money, crisis)
    there is not only psychotropics scandal !...

  2. #22
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    I couldn't agree more, Stan. Especially this sentence;

    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    there is not only psychotropics scandal !...
    Absolutely, psychotropics is not an "isolated" island, it's just a tiny part of what Big Pharma/medical system in its current form *really* is.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  3. #23
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    "Cholesterol" - same thing. "Down the rabbit hole..."

    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    Thanks, I think I will raise my Omega-3 intake to 3g a day, to begin with.

  5. #25
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    i personally, after reading several testimonies, am convinced that the joke we have discovered in psychotropics as victims, is the same in many pills, vaccines, and even in some surgery;
    there is not only psychotropics scandal !...
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  6. #26
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Another benefit of high-dose Omega-3!

    I have been a hand lotion addict all my life, and, although I put oil on my legs in the shower, I still always have had dry skin on my shins.

    At 4,000 mg of Omega-3, this was still true.

    But, just in the last month or so, I noticed I wasn’t needing or using hand lotion. I thought, hmmm, and checked my shins (buried under multiple layers of winter clothing), and, sure enough, they are not dry! This is at 9,000 mg Omega-3.

    I guess they won’t be able to sell me as much hand lotion any more….
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  7. #27
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Very interesting, Sheila! Please, keep us updated. I've been steadily upping the dose of Omega-3 myself, too.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  8. #28
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    what are the danger of a high level of omega-3? what is the limit good level?
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

  9. #29
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    It's very safe, Stan. Here's a very interesting info about the studies on it;

    And this:

    Below is just an introduction to the article in the second link;

    Several years ago, Dr. Andrew Stoll, director of the Psychopharmacology Research Laboratory at Harvard
    Medical School-McLean Hospital, conducted a landmark study on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in bipolar
    disorder and came up with some surprising results. The researcher discovered that when patients with bipolar
    disorder consumed omega-3 from fish oil, they experienced a marked reduction in episodes of mania and
    depression. Extensive research continues to demonstrate that omega-3 fatty acids form the foundation of a solid,
    healthy diet, while also reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and arthritis, among other

    Depletion of the essential omega-3 fatty acids in the typical American diet is linked to chronic disease
    and the huge increase in the rates of depression. Researchers now speculate that the increase in
    depression correlates well with the progressive depletion of omega-3s in our diet throughout the 20th
    century. The shift from rural community life to fast-paced urban sprawl also ushered in an era of fast
    foods, low fiber, and foods high in saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, and excessive intake of omega-6 fatty

    He presents lots of great data in the article. Also some important advice;

    It is important to know that the amount of active ingredients in supplements is listed on the label by
    serving size, not necessarily by how much of an ingredient or compound is in one capsule. Companies
    can make the serving size one, two, three, or a hundred capsules—as big or small as they want.

    To determine omega-3 content, simply take the amount of EPA or EPA plus DHA per serving, as listed
    on the label, and divide it by the serving size to determine how much omega-3 is in each capsule. That’s
    not understood well by many people. It is important that people read labels carefully. They get fooled.

    The FDA requires that supplement manufacturers list the ingredients or nutrients by serving size. But the
    company can put in any serving size they want, so it may look like there is a lot of EPA, for example, in a
    product, but the serving size may be 10 capsules. Consumers should be sure to divide whatever value is
    in the column for the amount of EPA by the number of capsules in a serving, and read labels carefully.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  10. #30
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Omega-3 and brain injury: interview with Michael Lewis MD

    April 18, 2012
    By Donna P Feldman MS RDN

    The most exciting example of ‘Nutrition Meets Medicine’ in the 21st Century, so far, has to be the emerging evidence of the role omega-3 fatty acids play in brain health. A growing body of research links omega-3 fats, particularly EPA and DHA, to dementia, depression, fetal brain development, age-related cognitive decline and other mental disorders. One of the most promising areas for new research is the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Leading the charge is Dr. Michael Lewis MD, president of the Brain Health Education and Research Institute, formed last year, with the goal of educating providers and the public on the use of omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of the brain prior to or following injury such as traumatic brain injury or concussion.

    Dr. Lewis didn’t start his medical career with the intent of focusing on omega-3 fatty acids. He learned about it in the course of his work as an Army physician, and over the past few years has developed his own omega-3 protocol for patients he sees for brain injury. I spoke with him recently, and a condensed version of our discussion is below ( a podcast is coming).

    Radio Nutrition: How did you get interested in this topic?

    Lewis: A number of people were looking at it, as far as different psychiatric situations such as depression, ADHD and dementia. I came to the conclusion that if it’s good for the heart and good for the brain and necessary for the development of the human brain, why wouldn’t it be helpful to help repair a brain after it’s been injured? I started looking into it, and asked whether anybody was looking at the use of omega-3 fatty acids to help with recovery from TBI? The military’s answer back to me was “Good question. Why don’t you figure it out.” I was given the green light to start trying to figure it out, mainly because I was the only one asking the question.

    Radio Nutrition: Is there a standard of care in the military that uses omega-3 supplements for TBI treatment?

    Lewis: No there is no standard of care in the military for using fish oil. Literally, the individual provider decides. I sat in for a day on a TBI clinic at Walter Reed. One physician came up to me and said she had tried to put patients on omega-3, and the pharmacy at the facility said “We don’t carry it and we’re not going to order it for you”. She was shocked, because at a previous VA hospital where she worked, everyone was put on it. I founded BHERI to get the word out, let them know there is something else that can be done besides rest, to allow brain to heal.

    Radio Nutrition: Can you clarify what you mean by “concussive” injury. Do you mean literally a blow to the head?

    Lewis: When we’re talking about TBI, there are two different parts of the event: the primary injury and the secondary phase. The secondary phase involves biochemical pathways that occur after the injury, the inflammatory situation. The inflammatory process is very important, because it brings in the things to help repair blood vessels and other damage. Because of what we eat, with too many omega-6 fats in the typical American diet and not enough omega-3, that inflammatory process is actually a little bit on the out-of-control side, and there’s too much inflammation going on. So the secondary phase of that injury certainly is open to modulation. And omega-3s can really do that quite effectively. In fact, all the research that’s going into TBI is really looking at that secondary phase. It turns out that omega-3s are very good inflammatory modulators, so they keep things under control.

    The primary injury can be hitting your head or a penetrating injury. The one we’re just understanding in the last 10 years is a blast wave, which causes more global damage to the brain. And there can be combinations of these different injuries as well.

    Radio Nutrition: In your article “Neuroprotection for the Warrior” (Mil Med. 2011 Oct;176(10): 1120-7), you mention a mine accident survivor who got a really whopping dose of omega-3. Later on you mention research using a 40 mg/kg dose that is more modest. How did you come to that dose?

    Lewis: If you’re using a good concentrated product, 60-70% concentrated formulas, that works out to be 5-6 capsules/day. That’s quite a bit for most people. Looking at someone having problems following a concussion or brain injury, I’m more about – if you’ve got a problem you need to address it quickly. I use a triple dose the first week and a double dose the second week and then get down to a maintenance dose. What I’ve found is people notice a difference. I’m working with two retired NFL players, both linemen, in their 50′s. They’re having difficulty as they get older. At the higher dose, they both noticed a difference within the first couple of days. Thinking more clearly, having more energy, just functioning better in their daily life.

    Radio Nutrition: Wow, that’s remarkable. Have you done any testing on them?

    Lewis: I’m designing a program to actually be able to do that. Put together a baseline testing and then re-test people towards the end of the second week. I’m in the process of designing that and getting it as automated as possible, and show the data back to the person. Show them what they answered 2 weeks ago and what they answered now, and here’s the improvement.

    Radio Nutrition: Will this involve any biochemical testing?

    Lewis: We’re in the process of developing a program and one of the things we want to consider is whether or not we’ll do omega-3 levels to know what their omega-3 status is. It’s important to have that objective measure. A number of clinicians and researchers are advocating we should know what our omega-3 numbers are. We can measure it in the blood. Researchers have given radioactive-labeled omega-3, and documented that from the time someone swallows a fish oil capsule to the time it starts to show up in the brain is 10′s of minutes. Less than 1/2 hour.

    Radio Nutrition: Wow, that’s amazing! it’s like a magnet for the brain or a guided missile.

    Lewis: Well, the brain is made basically of fat, and 30% of the dry weight of the brain is omega-3. If you’re not taking enough… It gets back to “you are what you eat”. For some reason when it comes to the brain we don’t think about that.

    Radio Nutrition: In the immediate future, what do you think needs to happen in terms of research?

    Lewis: I have one program going on at Walter Reed on a new product to look at what we could do immediately following an event — a blast injury, a car accident. Somebody has been knocked unconscious. Can we get some omega-3s on board right away? See if that helps save more of the brain and brain function. As far as basic research that would be incredibly helpful, what about the 95% with a concussion who are not knocked unconscious? Who are going to be taking things orally. I’m putting together some protocols to look at that triple dose to help people with post concussive symptoms. One area is those people who, weeks or months down the line, are continuing to have problems with symptoms like headaches, thinking clearly, executive function. Another area would be whether there is a role in the immediate aftermath of injury, starting in the emergency room or at a football game? Can we get them back into the game safely the next week? We’re not talking about curing TBI. What we’re really talking about is how do we help the brain heal itself?

    Radio Nutrition: I’m going to guess that’s ultimately the long range goal of any such research?

    Lewis: That’s my goal. I’m a very practical person. There’s a lot of very smart researchers out there doing fantastic work, trying to figure out details of biochemical pathways, maybe develop a pharmaceutical to help. Everything I see and know tells me not only can omega-3s help the brain recover, but if we pre-load people, we can help increase the resilience of the brain to withstand injury in the first place. More brains will be protected from more injury.

    Radio Nutrition: You just gave me the image of omega-3s as some kind of internal helmet.

    Lewis: You’re absolutely right, it’s an internal armor. A good way to visualize it, especially for the person who doesn’t care about the biochemistry behind it, is my brick wall analogy. If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, you probably want to use bricks to repair that wall. It only makes basic sense. Well, omega-3s are the bricks of the brain. The brain takes omega-3s to make that cell wall, so why wouldn’t you want to use omega-3 to repair that brick wall? It’s like a construction site. Now that the brick wall is damaged, the brain is trying to put the bricks back in place. It’s going to take some time. All I’m talking about it backing up a truck onto that construction site and dumping a pile of bricks right there, so the material necessary to rebuild is right there. That’s why I talk about using fairly substantial amounts of omega-3, to let the brain have the best chance for healing itself. It frustrates me when I hear researchers talking about biochemical pathways and enzymes, and it’s like “but what about the bricks?” The real basic substance.

    Fascinating and exciting stuff. Dr. Lewis enthusiasm for his subject matter is obvious. He’s certainly at the cutting edge of this research. As more data becomes available, therapeutic doses of omega-3 for brain injury should become the standard, as we get better information about what the optimal doses for recovery actually are. If you want more information about Dr. Lewis’ protocols, or omega-3 and TBI, visit the Brain Health Education and Research website.

    >> There is a bit more info in the podcast here –
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

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