I am a big fan of TCM. I was having a LOT of trouble with my bowels recently - from the beginning of 2013 - and a colonoscopy showed nothing. My naturopath said I was low in digestive enzymes and having lost a lot of weight (38kg - I had a gastric band put in - in Nov 2011) in only 10 months, I knew she was right. I was supposed to be taking multivitamins but couldn't because they were overstimulating me. I was having trouble with the very LARGE tablets the naturopath had me on - 3 times per day - so decided to try TCM. Unfortunately I had to stop it as the herbs were overstimulating me but I managed to get in a few weeks of the herbs along with acupuncture. I was going to post about it here but I see I'm not allowed to start a new thread in this sub-forum. That's ok. I don't have a journal here either as I already have one at PP and can't be bothered doing two, but .... The TCM helped a great deal. I had constipation but it was weird. Different to anything I've had in the past. Excess flatulence but without moving things through. And I wasn't responding well to laxatives. It turns out I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism. So it was two-fold - the lack of digestive enzymes (or what is called "spleen chi deficiency" in TCM) and the thryoid problem.

Anyhow, the herbs and acupuncture have helped a great deal and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to others. The good thing is, you don't have to boil up bits of bark, tree, root, etc like you used to. They now have granules that you just pour hot water onto. So easy.