Acupuncture also used to help me quite a bit with my severe PMMD and menstrual cramps, but it was expensive and eventually I got on A/D's for that, because I could get them free from the free clinic.
But there's no such thing as a free lunch!!!
Acupuncture also used to help me quite a bit with my severe PMMD and menstrual cramps, but it was expensive and eventually I got on A/D's for that, because I could get them free from the free clinic.
But there's no such thing as a free lunch!!!
Prozac/Birth Control 9 years. Pot 6/09 to 3/11. Female Problems. Short trials: Paxil, Celexa, Lexipro, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Ativan. CURRENTLY Lamictal from 10/11. Seroquel from 12/11. Remiron from 12/11: 15-30-45-30-15-to 7.5 7/2012, to 3.75 4/1/13. 5/18 3.75/2. Diagnosis Now: Complex PTSD. Regular Acupuncture/EMDR/therapy/yoga class. PERFECT RESIGNATION GIVES THE DEEPEST JOY OF ALL. ACCEPT IT AS YOUR SOLE RESOURCE. -ANANADAMAYI MA
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