To be honest I dont think the wine made much difference it was simply taking the Citalopram again that caused the reaction. I say this because its what happened to me, its called a kindling reaction. You were in CT withdrwal from the 1 month citalopram use even though you didnt know it. the night you felt out of sorts was your w/d telling you it was there (same happened to me) and the same as you I went back to the drs and asked for the cit back BOOOOOOM all hell broke loose.

More people will adbise you on here but I want to tell you that I understand, I was first put on citalopram during a physical illness, I have never EVER suffered with anxiety or depression. 5 months after stopping the cit cold turley (although I took it for over 2 years) I started to have apnic attacks and anxiety, I went running to the drs to ask for the citalopram and had a terrible adverse reaction.

I also have a child, a beautiful 3 year old boy and Im 32, so we are quite similar, I was a happy confident woman and now Im a shell, but we will recover, you are sook close, read that link I send you and contact me anytime.

Caroline xx