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Thread: Needinghelp's journal

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Needinghelp's journal

    Ok, now im terrified! 7 years and still all those symptoms? How old are you?

    My history: 23 year old female, started 20mg Celexa December 2007, switched to 20mg paxil October 2010, tapered off paxil in April 2012 (2 month taper), I was in w/d for 2 months, then started 20mg prozac, after 4 days had bad anxiety, switched to 30mg cymbalta, only 2 days then big blow up of my symptoms. Tried going back on paxil 5mg for 2 weeks. Made it worse. 5 months since c/t, 2 months med free and in HELL!!!!

    I was on meds for 4 years basically. My symptoms are: Severed dp/dr, dizziness, head pressure/brain fog, tinnitus, sky high anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, adrenalin surges. I just feel sick. How long does this last? Am I going to be stuck like this for 7+ years?

  2. #2
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Welcome, Needinghelp. I know it's very scary that some people have such a long recovery. But, everyone does recover, it slowly gets better, you have youth on your side, and many, many people recover much more quickly.

    You will definitely not feel the way you do now for seven years. It will either get better quickly or slowly, but it will not stay the same. Now is the worst time. You are in a difficult position where you don't seem to be able to tolerate reinstating, yet you tapered very quickly, plus you have had short exposures to other meds, which is contributing to destabilizing your system.

    What have you tried to help take the edge off your symptoms? They will get better all by themselves, but there may be some things you can do that would help a bit, such as magnesium and possibly exercise and guided relaxation / breathing.

    You will definitely be feeling better, NH. And you will fully recover.
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  3. #3
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    welcome Needinghelp,

    4 years is not really a long-termer but will give some suffering, some patience and you will see the light of the tunnel;

    the people stuck in 7 years and more are often people as i, 13 years taken, not the 4 years taken, it is not for you
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

  4. #4
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Welcome to IAWP, Needinghelp! Yes, 4 years is, on average, not that long. Plus, you will be improving - the symptoms you are experiencing now will be abating. For quite many, this time (some months after coming off of the drugs) is the worst one. And then it gets better. Of course, you won't be feeling like that anywhere near of seven years. Stay patient!
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Thanks all. I am very sick, extreme dizziness and inner trembling (Vibrations). I am at work ATM, dont know how but i am. Struggling to hold on. When do most people start feeling a bit better? I had a window, 8 hours actually on the 18th of August. Then all came crashing down again and never felt better, it feels as if im getting worse and worse. When round about does it ease up? 10 months? I feel like im not here and im scared :( im only 23 years old. I havent tried anything to help yet, been a bit sick

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    dont forget the couple of hours window you had recently, but NH went to the mall during this window which would have caused her CNS to go into menltdown!!
    Put on citalopram July 2009 during a physical illness - didnt need it. 40mg
    went down to 20mg July 2010 CT in Jan 2012 - 2.5 years on.
    Tried to restart July 2012 due to 1 panic attack (never had one before - start of CT W/D) - adverse reaction
    Down to 1.5mg from the failed RI
    Now at 0.48 and trying to stabalize - been 6 weeks
    now have SEVERE anxiety, akathsia, feel like Im on acid 24/7 depression, D/P, signed off work. Scared of everything..please God let me heal from this

  7. #7
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Needing, first of all, you're incredibly brave. Only those who has been through this suffering, realize what it really is. Unfortunately, it's difficlut to exactly say at what point the improvement starts - it's a very individual matter, though I truly believe you may be not that far from that moment, I think. Also, what is *extremely* important, you had this window some time ago. It will be back, then more of them - catching some breath when the window opens will help you a lot. As for your worsening, it's very typical in many - the thing is that the improvement is not so much connected with the drug leaving your system, but your body healing from the changes the drug has made in it.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Hi Hun, glad to see you on here, the people on this forum are very kind and should give you some of the reasuurance that I know you really need right now.

    you know me already but I just wanted to come and say hi, guys when do you think NH can count her recovery from? would it be after trying out the other couple of drugs? or when she initially came off the Paxil?
    Put on citalopram July 2009 during a physical illness - didnt need it. 40mg
    went down to 20mg July 2010 CT in Jan 2012 - 2.5 years on.
    Tried to restart July 2012 due to 1 panic attack (never had one before - start of CT W/D) - adverse reaction
    Down to 1.5mg from the failed RI
    Now at 0.48 and trying to stabalize - been 6 weeks
    now have SEVERE anxiety, akathsia, feel like Im on acid 24/7 depression, D/P, signed off work. Scared of everything..please God let me heal from this

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Thank you, i am very ill :( and very very scared. I have this strange out of body feeling and it makes me not able to sleep, its worse when i sleep it feels as if i leave my body or something. Please tell me this is normal and it will go away. I am so scared. How do I cope with this? The anxiety is so bad I have never experienced anything like this before, it never stops no matter what I do. I feel like i will never recover from this, because Im only getting worse and worse and feels like im losing myself. Am i going crazy? Should I rather try to reinstate?

    When I reinstated, my anxiety went away, but i had start up effects of the drug thats why i never updosed to 10mg. Since i stopped, i have gotten 20x worse. Im too scared for words and feeling suicidal.

  10. #10
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    All those feelings are absolutely normal in WD, Needinghelp. I assure you it will be improving. The anxiety is *not* real you - it's drug-induced. Your body needs to re-balance itself in the time to come. Also, do not blame yourself for all the thoughts and bad feelings that are so intense now.

    Re-instating is always a tricky business. Some are able to get back to drugs again, stabilise, then taper slowly from there, others' CNS is already compromised too much to do that. But let us hear opinion of others on this one.

    Sending you lots of Good Energies, Needinghelp. Again, this worsening of yours these recent months is vey common, even that far after coming off of drugs, but, at some point, it starts to get better. It always does.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

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