
Sorry I cant anderstand what means :
If I can help people who visit the surgery I go to by getting my drs to understand than thats progress in our mission right?
Do you mean surgery could help us? (google translate )

be careful with Healy, because with his website he is seaching guinea pigs for his trying, he is for electro convulsive therapy, another bad thing
It really is extremely disappointing to her ... and very disturbing. Based on what arguments he promote such things? I am very interested to know (the hospital psychiatrist insisted me to undergo ECT and made me very expensive exams, including a brain scan, against my will, to prepare myself) revenat in my house, I inquired about this practice, that's what I found! (documents in French, sorry)





My esteem for him suddenly down .. But it at least has the merit of recognizing the very serious side effects of antidepressants and their withdrawal and denounce Lobie pharmaceutical companies. It also has the merit to say loud and clear .... (it does not have bodyguards?? )

Iggy, I hope you can find what you're looking for with Dr. Healy, and you'll feel better soon!

Good luck.
