I was thinking after I logged off yesterday….hmmm….Caroline….running a nursing home….I bet she wouldn’t allow the patients to be drugged to the gills. Hmm….maybe this is her destiny…..And others will study how she does it….and she will start a new model. Like the Finnish group….

Ha ha! What ho! Keep calm and carry on! Pip pip! When you feel better, you have a great sense of humor.

And, ha ha! I would be disoriented if I didn’t have my Iggy consultation every day. And, let’s not forget that we know that a lot of people feel the same way you do, and feel that you express what they cannot. When they see you struggle with the situation or see someone try to offer you help, they benefit vicariously.

Your dream of your future seems eminently doable.

The daily anxiety rhythm could have to do with your cortisol (or other) biorhythm or with something that happens in your day at a certain time.