You may need to experiment, now that you have gotten farther away from the up-and-down dosing period of your life, and see, after a couple of trials of each method, which seems to work better for you.
You do want to try to listen to your body, and be flexible about your taper schedule. And you do want to try to avoid drops in the middle of a lot of stressful events going on. But, the fact is, some people never stabilize that well after a drop, and they have to just proceed slowly anyway.
I don't think we can predict whether the drops will get easier or harder as you go down. There may even be a range where they're easier, followed by a range when they're harder, followed by a range when they're easier, etc.
I so understand your frustration and comparing yourself to others, but I think it would be in your interests to work on letting go of time frames and amounts, and just concentrate on slowly moving forward, listening to your body, and continuing to learn all that there is to learn from this process you're going through. The goal is *not* to get off faster. The goal is to heal. You may get a lot more healing from going slower.