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Thread: Metals in the brain

  1. #1
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Northern California

    Metals in the brain

    Wall Street Journal
    by Shirley Wang
    31 Jan 12

    Research into how iron, copper, zinc and other metals work in the brain may help unlock some of the secrets of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

    One of the many theories explaining Alzheimer's disease is that some of the harm is caused by toxic metals accumulating in brain. Now a new study lends more credibility to the toxic metal theory. Shirley Wang has details on Lunch Break.

    Iron and copper appear to accumulate beyond normal levels in the brains of people with these diseases, and a new, Australian study published Sunday shows reducing excess iron in the brain can alleviate Alzheimer's-like symptoms—at least in mice.

    A genetic mutation related to regulating iron is linked to ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease. Zinc, on the other hand, appears to impair memory if its levels get too low or if it gets into a brain region where it doesn't belong, as it can with traumatic brain injury.

    Research into the complicated, invisible roles these metals play in brain diseases has lagged behind study of the more-visible proteins that are damaged or clump together in the brains of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's sufferers.

    "The field is coming around to the idea of the cause of Alzheimer's being multifactorial," and disturbed metal regulation could be one of those factors….

    Tiny metal ions—charged particles of the elements—serve several essential functions in the body, including facilitating chemical reactions to generate energy and preserving the structure of proteins. Strict checks and balances in a healthy body keep metal levels within a tight range.

    Iron, for instance, is a "double-edged sword" because it interacts with oxygen to help the body generate energy, but also can produce free radicals, highly reactive molecules that can cause cell damage….

    ….a handful of other biotechnology companies have also been testing experimental metal-lowering drugs for treatment of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. But developing such drugs is tricky because it is hard to target metals in specific parts of the brain. Simply lowering or increasing the amount overall in the body may not be beneficial, researchers say.

    Metals may play a vital role in other brain conditions.

    Stephen Lippard, a chemistry professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and colleagues from Duke University and the University of Toronto, found zinc helps neurons communicate in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory….

    [So frustrating the emphasis on surgical missile strike medicine. I wish there was more interest in thinking holistically about what might lower metals or increase the proteins that lower metals. For example, what lifestyle changes might help? The “selective” targeted medication thing is not going to work.]

    << metal on the brain
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Lyme accumulates toxic metals in brain in biofilms because they take whatever to fast build up biofilms.
    Lyme is much more common than we think.
    It also cause depression and anxiety.

    But there is another infections which also make biofilms.
    Co-infections along with Lyme from ticks, flies, rats etc. It is not only from ticks.

    Chlorella for toxic metal chealation, carrots, fibers to bind toxins and fibrinolytic enzymes, like Nattokinase, and
    "bad tissue" breakdown enzymes like Serrapeptase do a very good job here.

    Serrapeptase helps with muscular pain, artritis, joint pains, reduces edema and swelling, reduce headaches and take away inflammations.

    Both enzymes digest biofilms so the body can remove the junk through via it's 5 pathways (kidney, liver, skin, urine and feces)

    Drink lots of water. 1 liter per 30 kg of body weight per 24 hours spread out.

  3. #3
    Founder stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Dental amalgam with mercury fillings, maybe i have...i am cooking in a aluminium foil every day (to have no dishes)
    i do not know all the diseases caused by lyme, they are numerous...
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

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