Sheila, I journey often for information or healing...a minimum of several times a week. When I'm having a hard time, I may journey more than once a day. When something is a big issue, it generally takes me several journeys of asking questions. I most often hear things in the experience, but the big one for me is how it resonates in my body. Usually the things that are the answers I want or expect to hear are suspect.

As best I can, I try to follow not just the advice, but my intuition in daily life..and again, I most often see how things feel in my body. It's an experiment, where I see what happens when I trust what I'm being given or sense. Is my life better this way? Do I have fewer regrets? How do I feel about myself? What happens when I go against my intuition?

I have what I think is a healthy skepticism about pretty much everything. I'm a "prove it to me" kind of gal, or one that is focused on whether something is beneficial or not. Sure, I do plenty of reading and research on things...but very often, what seems to work for other people doesn't for me. For example, everyone was all about the standardized extract for St. John's Wort, but it had the same side effects for me as the worst antidepressant I tried (effexor). Instead, I took capsules that were made from oil which came from the whole plant. Theoretically, it shouldn't work because of the small amount of active ingredient, but it worked like a charm. I'm all in favor of natural things over drugs whenever possible. However, natural things are still something else for the body to process and are subject to side effects. Natural isn't always safe either.

I appreciate the info on algae oil and will keep it in the back of my mind. I'm going to stay with flax oil for now. My body doesn't do well with too many changes at once. Many things end up being a major problem for my gut...which wreaks havoc with blood sugar, which is bad for my health and makes me feel miserable.