Quote Originally Posted by Junior View Post
BTW - psych drugs have SAVED my life - FOUR TIMES in the past - and that includes Paxil, when I first went on it. For exactly what you are going through now - although mine was naturally occurring.

What you were on IN THE PAST has created this mess. It doesn't mean that every single drug that has ever existed is evil.

For the record I NEVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THIS when getting off amitryptline. TWICE!!
we all know people who take 1 or 2 years and have been able to stop without problems, we also know people who reacted acute on a few pills and are bad after years;
people who are here do not need advice of what antidepressant take, they can go to any doctor and in two minutes they will be adviced and prescribed, they do not need Junior experience of amitriptiline, Junior who today is not health but trapped in antidepressants, Junior who is not off but still taking, and Needinghelp is off;