Well, amani asked some good questions. We haven’t talked about how you should taper. Many people can make bigger drops when they’re still at the high doses, but some people can’t.

You know that our rule of thumb is 10% *of current dose* every 3-6 weeks? That means that each drop is a smaller amount than the previous one, since you’re taking 10% of the current dose, not the original dose.

So, think about what you think your first drop should be. Also, you’re going to wait to start until you’re back from the trip, right?

You’ll be able to taper off the klonopin, too. But, as you say, one thing at a time.

Since you’ve had dry heaves / vomiting during bad w/d episodes in the past, and are having them now, it just contributes to my impression that your body wants to get off these meds. It’s time for you to start collecting all the good anti-nausea remedies – ginger, peppermint, baking soda, bitters, Alka-Seltzer, etc. and start trying to give yourself some relief.

I had zero appetite during a short period in early w/d and I just made myself eat like an automaton, because it’s so important for your health to get the nutrition you need. I have only had mild, episodic nausea and it responded to those remedies.