Sheila, thanks so so much for your concern. I keep thinking that this bleeding just could be a late withdrawal symptom, but is it? I've never had ANY menstrual problems until this started. It was out of the blue, absolutely nothing that I can tie it in with last year, no stress, trigger, supplements, etc. I don't take any supplements at all, fish oil heightens anxiety, vit B revved me, an Epsom salts bath made me feel even worse. I became a bit scared and now stay away from them! Really don't know if the let it bleed would be an option though, this was bad, real bad, before I took the hormones. A constant pour, iron levels dropping fast, hence I needed to go into hospital but just avoided a transfusion, luckily. If it was light to moderate then maybe I could ride it out, hey that sounds like the shipping forecast! I worry a lot about this strong Progesterone, apparently it does work on receptors, I've heard in a similar way to benzos. This frightens me, will I get withdrawal when I try to reduce next week? I'm scared. Loads of hugs to you, I'm so thankful that you reply. Xxxxxxxx