Thank you! :) My breathing issues are ridiculous. I keep feeling short of breath with sinus issues ALL THE TIME. I hate it. It makes me really nervous. That's the second worst symptom ever.
Thank you! :) My breathing issues are ridiculous. I keep feeling short of breath with sinus issues ALL THE TIME. I hate it. It makes me really nervous. That's the second worst symptom ever.
8 weeks on Zoloft in total, including my 4 week taper, ending on May 20th, 2013. Still going through emotional and partially physical hell.
aka Epiphany-
I keep having issues with shortness of breath and it feels like I am skipping breaths, not breathing for a second or two at a time and it's scary. :(
8 weeks on Zoloft in total, including my 4 week taper, ending on May 20th, 2013. Still going through emotional and partially physical hell.
aka Epiphany-
150mgs Effexor for 4 years 2008-2012 for situational Major Depression. No AD before
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months / last dose July 26th/2012 aprox.
Acute W/D first 1-2 months
Protracted W/D since then and slowly recovering.
Main symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia,Anhedonia.
April 9th- 20th SEVERE DEPRESSION.
11 months off.Slowly improving
Thank you Alex, I will not even Google that. Just came home from a walk, feeling a little out of breath, somewhere between normal and not normal, oddly enough.
8 weeks on Zoloft in total, including my 4 week taper, ending on May 20th, 2013. Still going through emotional and partially physical hell.
aka Epiphany-
:( Really upset at the closing of this forum, just about as upset as anhedonia will allow me to be, words can't express this. Many of you have my email and Facebook address if you need to message me.
8 weeks on Zoloft in total, including my 4 week taper, ending on May 20th, 2013. Still going through emotional and partially physical hell.
aka Epiphany-
Hey there, even though it seems useless, here's an update. My breathing is still jacked up, and I am derealizing pretty badly. i could barely recognize my own voice when talking, and I feel so strange. I hate DP so much because it makes me over analyze everything and scares me. I cannot get a deep yawn in at all and I feel kinda weak. :( Scary stuff...i need to head to bed..
Theelt, the right word for shortness of breath is "DYSPNEA"
I have it. It is anxiety
150mgs Effexor for 4 years 2008-2012 for situational Major Depression. No AD before
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months / last dose July 26th/2012 aprox.
Acute W/D first 1-2 months
Protracted W/D since then and slowly recovering.
Main symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia,Anhedonia.
April 9th- 20th SEVERE DEPRESSION.
11 months off.Slowly improving
I get sinus issues too, I didn't know it was connected with withdrawal so I gave up dairy but it didn't make any difference. I mostly get mine at night, but its so random. I will be fine and then suddenly my nose is completely blocked up and I'm struggling to breathe for maybe half an hour or several hours, then just as suddenly its all clear again.
1998 Zoloft 1998 - 2010 Various medications including Serzone, Buspar, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Inderal, Duromine and Lexapro. HRT. Codeine and liquid morphine for pain. Stopped Lexapro in 2010 with a too fast taper over about 2 months. Diagnosed with ADHD- stimulants.
Nervous system 'crashed' in November 2011
May 2013 - Last medication of any kind after learning about protracted withdrawal.
Partially bedridden and daytime agoraphobia
petu, perfect description. and mine is worse when I wake up and at night. i wake up with nervousness and anxiety almost daily.