Thank you so much for the link, Sheila...

yes, i have seen this before, many times, but for some reasons, this is the first time i noticed the correlation to lowered serum zinc level!!! (i have that too)...
the "CFS doctor", recommended the specific brand of fish oil and the dose (1 g omega3, said that higher doses don't have a bigger effect) that i have been taking for years (did not notice any improvement though), but after reading the info on fish oil on this website i decided to double that dose (well, only double it for now and see how i feel) would be GREAT if that helps with the withdrawal symptoms..

also, when i was reading about vitamin C yesterday, i think it was you, who pointed out in one of the threads, that the synthetic form of vitamin D3 does not work...i have not heard of that before, but that would explain why the 5000IU (sometimes 10 000IU) of vitamin D3 that i have been taking for years did not make my symptoms any better!!
I am going to to stop taking vit D3 at least for the spring and summer and try to sit in the sum every day for 30 minutes :)

not only we can't trust drugs, we can't trust simple vitamins either!!

thanks again for all your help and your words of encouragements, Sheila...
i hope you are feeling well these days?