I wanted to say again I really think it’s so great that you’ve seen the light. So many relationships are being ruined because either no one realizes it’s the meds, or someone does, but the person on the meds is too spellbound to hear the truth. So many, many relationships of all types are being affected by this invisible epidemic that it blows my mind.

OK, so you are on 0.5 mg of Prozac every other day and 12.5 mg Trazadone daily? And you were only on 5 mg of Prozac to start with.

I don’t know why Breggin recommends his method. I adore Breggin for his political activism and his whistleblowing about drugs and his advocacy of psychodynamic therapy. But, as Luc says, we may have seen more people go through w/d than he has. Nobody is perfect. Breggin excels at many things.

Also, you’re taking Prozac, which has the longest half-life and is therefore the most forgiving of the ADs when it comes to tapering. That may be why you can get away with this every other day schedule. it just doesn’t matter as much with Prozac. It would be more of an issue with the ones that have a less than 24 hour half-life like Paxil, Effexor, and Cymbalta.

However, you say you are very sensitive to ADs, so I would still consider going to your next drop, whatever it is, and moving to daily dosing. What dose are you going to stop at?