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Thread: Healing for the Boston Marathon & the Iran earthquake

  1. #1
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Healing for the Boston Marathon & the Iran earthquake

    I know that the bombings at the Boston Marathon have affected everyone in the world. People in w/d are especially sensitive to acts of violence.

    We also are saddened by the suffering of people in the big Iran earthquake. It seems like our whole planet got shaken yesterday.

    Regarding the Boston bombings, I want to point out that far *fewer* people were injured that one might have expected. This was also true on 9/11 when the World Trade Center buildings were much emptier than usual early that morning because it was the first day of the school year in New York and many parents were taking their children to their first day of class.

    There has been some research that suggests that in most plane or train accidents, there are fewer passengers on board than there normally are on that route at that time in the schedule.

    So, it seems likely that we *did* get help and many people *were* protected.

    Let us send healing and protective thoughts around the world. Or pray for further help from all the forces of love and compassion. So that the most good possible can come from these events.

    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  2. #2
    Founder Barbara's Avatar
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    Northern California
    Sheila, thanks for your timely post. Sending white light and healing.

    "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star." -- Nietzsche

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    OH! I just saw it on TV. I join the request of healing.

    In Spain have also suffered the terrible attack of March 11, 2004 (known as 11-M).

    Reminding everyone ...
    Mar/2009 (diacepam+nortriptilina).Aprl-2010 (sulpiride+diacepam). May-2010:Tranxene 20 mg+SEROXAT 20mg
    TAPER BENZO:Apr-2011 20-10mg.; Sep-Nov -2011 taper 10 a 0mg. BENZO FREE 06/11/2011
    TAPER SEROXAT: jul-ago-11: de 20 a 10 mg; Dic-11/jan-10-5mg;Apr-sep-12 5-0mg . SEROXAT FREE: 15/09/2012
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  4. #4
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Yes, I remember the terrible 2004 attack in Spain. Very sad.
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Praying they will be surrounded by love, comfort and peace. God bless the innocent affected by this tragic act of hate and evil and give them strength. Amen

  6. #6
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Northern California
    “All in all it’s been a tough week,” President Barack Obama said Friday night….

    But April 2013′s convergence of events is extremely rare, statisticians say.

    Such calculations are based on the likelihood of each individual tragedy, said Michael Baron, a professor of statistics at the University of Texas at Dallas.

    Baron has no actual data on how often this week’s events have separately occurred throughout history. But he estimated that if a terrorist attack occurs once every four years, a suspicious mailing once per year and an industrial accident twice per year, there is a .000004 probability of them all happening in the same week — “once in 4,808 years.”

    [Add to that the huge earthquakes in Iran and China, and, of course, yet more things in other places. Rev. Roberto Miranda, at the Boston memorial said --]

    “The dilemma of evil is that even as it carries out its dark, sinister work,” Miranda said, “it always ends up strengthening good.”
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

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