Anita Moorjani is an unusually generous-spirited, modest person who had a four-year struggle with cancer from 2002-2006. On 2 Feb 2006, she slipped into a coma and crossed over to the other realm. She returned the next day with profound insight into the nature of reality and the cause of her cancer, and was transformed, by her own report, from a fearful, guilty person into a joyous, self-compassionate one. Her utterly demolished body recovered at miraculous speed.

Read more here. What she says applies to any serious illness –


One of her main points has been said famously in the Gospel of Thomas (which is an early Christian document discovered near Nag Hamadi, Egypt in 1945). In this gospel, Jesus says --

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”