Luc had the wonderful idea of me starting a thread here to keep track of my craft projects and toy making over my w/d and recovery (I hope and pray)

I hope having this thread will motivate me to continue making my toys and other crafts and I will keep a record of them here - or try to, I also hope that by doing this I will

1) focus my mind away from withdrawal

2) hopefully cause neurogenisis by engaging in ''meaningful activity''

3) Improve my quality of life by feeling I have accomplished something - even something small.

4) Help me feel like Im living a normal life as this was something I had always done before

If anyone else is doig any craft projects please feel free to post updates and piccies of what you are doing...

Tomorrow I am going to start a new sock monkey - they usually take me a few days or a week to do one and they are complex and thats when Im NOT in w/d LOL

It is my dearest wish that in 2 or 3 years I will be recovered, I hope at that point to have a big stall at a christmas fair and sell all the things I have made during withdrawal, and hope that doing so will help me let go of the trauma, I know its a long way ahead but hanging onto that picture that one day I will be healed and I will have that stall, may help calm me and therefore help me heal...

Could be ALOT of sock monkeys eh guys? Imagine 8 years worth...oh well, at least Ill be RICH!