I have just finished the hunger games, oh yes, heavy withdrawal and reading horror, but I enjoyed it, really really good.

now I am re reading philip pullmans northern lights, these are all books for young adults, but they are very easy to read so good for me at the moment, Im not doing well on reading in the day time, too distracted but I can read in bed again, I went through a few months where I couldnt do it, but can again now

in the day Im reading trashy magazines, the kind that are 50p and have stories like ''my son turned into a fish finger'' and ''real life, my head fell off'' but my mind is much more open nowadays so I feel sorry for the women whose son turned into a fish finger, muct have been terrible, probably some new GSK product that did it, I will recommend she posts it on Rxxisk

Im looking into getting the ripley books, have you seen the film the talented mr ripley? GREAT film, and based on a series of books which are meant to be amazing.