if you take a pill with 20 mg of paxil/déroxat/paroxétine, the 20 mg active molécules are mixed in a support component, normally it is good mixed,...
My recently dilemma was whether to go even slower. I crashed after 4 months doing a 5% taper over a year ago, but was informed that it was because...
I am now down to 50mg of Trazodone from 200mg in one month. 120mg of Cymbalta to be dealt with down the road. My psych tried to up me to 400mg of...
This was made by our own very creative Mixter -- :cap:
As many of you probably know, it is difficult to weigh the tablets the same, so mine always vary. Someone told me that .2 either way is ok, so that...
Not the best topic to open with i realize. But i made up my mind. I wanna get back on a drug and stabilize and then do a slow taper if possible. i...
Hello everyone! I do not know if I should open a "new thread" in this section "tapering" for my questions about my withdrawal from effexor or if I...
I was on 20 mg paxil(deroxat) during one or two years, then 10 years on 10 mg,i weaned in 1,5 month; as i was in hell, i go to the doctor who...
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