Introduce yourself here, keep a running account
Hi, all. I'm TryingtoGetWell (TTGW) from PP, and the founders of this group are my old friends from way back. I love them dearly but I've been...
I wish I were a better writer it’s definitely not my gift. I am a much better verbal communicator…but here goes. I started antidepressant after my...
Hi there! This is going to be a long post so please bear with me! I had postnatal depression after the birth of my son in 2007...undiagnosed for 11...
Bonjour, Je prends Effexor depuis 4 mois et il me rend encore plus anxieuse et agitée: mes médecins ne veulent pas me croire et me prescrivent...
Hi Everyone I’m Rachel (poorlylottie on pp – charlotte is my middle name and R187 on surviving )and I have been reading this...
With this message only intend to be testimony to the people at that may be in my situation. I got really scared when I got diagnose macular...
My name is Jacqueline I was put on ritalin at age 10 because I didn't keep up in class with learning to read, then antidepressentsat age 14 for OCD...
Hello everyone, i´m a portuguese 27 old, at some time in my 21 birth i have started with panic attacks, nothing bad have happened they just...
Hi All, Firstly can i say thank you to Stan who i spoke with on saturday night, without him i wouldnt know that this brilliant site existed. This...
This is maisiemarie’s journal thread, which I am helping her to start. Please welcome her to IAWP. These are her questions -- Do you know...
Put on Urbanol 10mg and Serdep50mg for less than a month, days to be exact. Suffering from severe anxiety and WDs. Still fighting the withdrawal......
I'm tapering off 50mg zoloft (generic)
Hi, please see my introduction in my Unexpected Gift thread... If it's OK with everyone I'd like to use this space to journal about cycling with...
Hello everybody, My name is Astrid, I'm 40 and I'm from The Netherlands. I have been on Seroxat (paroxetine) 20 mg a day, for 13 years. I...
First of all, i want to thank u all here on this board, you are cordial. I sent a private message to Cosette123, in French because I speak it...
Hello everyone, and thanks for having me. I am 25 years old and from the Netherlands. My story in a nutshell: I have always been a very...
Have been on the other support sites for the last year or so. I found this one by researching more about protracted withdrawal and came across...
Wow, how do I begin? I was "formally" diagnosed with "mental illness" in 2005 and put on medication. I was told that I had Major Depression,...
Hello everybody! I live in France and I was on Paxil(Aka Deroxat) for 7 years. Previously I had already taken "Survector" and "Prozac" for OCD and...
Hello! I'm so happy to have found this forum. I'll try to make my story brief. I'm 20. I was put on Celexa when I was 13 to help with...
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